Nevada Properties

Please contact the property manager listed below, for property related issues. If the property manager is not available, and there is an urgent matter, please contact Steve Moaven, Sr. Portfolio Manager, at (310) 278-8091 or 
West Sahara Promenade  8125-8175 W. Sahara Avenue
Las Vegas, NV
87,000 sf

Property Manager:  Marikan Reinke   
PH:  (424) 283-3125    E-Mail:

Leasing:   Matt Stone - Mountain West Commercial Real Estate
(702) 526-3550

9350 West Tropicana
Las Vegas, NV 89147

5,680 sf  

Property Manager:  Marikan Reinke   
PH:  (424) 283-3125    E-Mail:

118-120 E. Lake Mead Parkway
Las Vegas, NV 

4,000 sf

Property Manager:  Marikan Reinke   
PH:  (424) 283-3125    E-Mail: