Oregon Properties

Please contact the property manager listed below, for property related issues. If the property manager is not available, and there is an urgent matter, please contact Steve Moaven, Sr. Portfolio Manager, at (310) 278-8091 or smoaven@dolmarinc.com. 

Oak Hills Mall  1455 Edgewater Street, NW
Salem, OR  97304

132,982 sf       

Property Manager:  Marikan Reinke   
PH:  (424) 283-3125    E-Mail:  marikan@dolmarinc.com

Leasing:   Melissa Rodreguez
PH:  (971) 388-5154

10506 SE 82nd Avenue
Clackamas, OR

83,260 sf 

Property Manager:  Marikan Reinke   
PH:  (424) 283-3125    E-Mail:  marikan@dolmarinc.com


1235-1245 NW 10th Street
Corvallis, OR

34,333 sf

Property Manager:  Marikan Reinke   
PH:  (424) 283-3125    E-Mail:  marikan@dolmarinc.com